Saturday, September 5, 2015

Also too hot but we went to the Fair

TCWUTH still consents to a day at the Fair with her parents.  Or perhaps she needs a day at the Fair with her parents because when she goes with us she gets to do all of the things SHE wants to do.  It was really hot today, too hot, but now that she has a job (and we don't) days at the Fair have to be scheduled when she is available.  We may prefer Wednesday when it is cooler but the last Saturday when it was too hot was what we got today.

And all of us had a fabulous time.

So there.

We tried something completely new just inside the entrance that we use to enter the grounds and got a picture taken of ourselves with Les Paul.  This is actually pretty cool although most of you don't realize it.
There is apparently either some digital trickery going on or else some time travel as Les is looking pretty young in this photo.  I think that is actually in his Red Hot Red period.

Our corporate spokesperson wanted a photo with what is an important historical relic of her current employer.  The company never made full size tractors and made even this smaller tractor for only a very short period of time.  This is the Toro Bullet from 1946.
Here is a scene that makes it into my blog with some regularity but never ever before with this many of our fellow citizens.  Today at 1:53 it was 86F at the cattle barn.
And about 76 percent humidity, one of the ugliest most miserable outdoor days in the history of the days.

It took a couple of minutes to line up that photo, first for me to find my usual photographic angle and then for the models to find an appropriate posing station and then for the crowd to finally produce a gap allowing the photo to occur.

We went inside.  Inside the cattle barn there are like, lots of cows.  Cows are like, not happy when it is hot and humid.  These are like, valuable cows.  Which means that the humans do not want the cows to be too uncomfortable.  There are about a million and a half fans in the cattle barn.  It is not air conditioned but by golly the air is at least in motion.  Even at 86F with 76 humidity it is passable inside the cattle barn.  Even so most of the valuable livestock was lying down.
That particular valuable livestock might as well rest now, the sign indicates that he has been purchased by the sorts of people who are probably not interested in that steer having a long and happy life.  I presume that Malory, like most well adjusted farm children, was not too terribly attached to her holstein steer.  She raised him and sold him, almost certainly making a pretty penny for her efforts.  In turn the Grand Champion will very soon be reduced to what the sign hints at: beef.

We wandered into the swine barn.  I apologize for the focus on this photo but I was excited.  While we were walking up to his pen the big pig stood up.
That's two years in a row we have seen the big pig on his feet.

And of all the years we have been going to see the big pig that now makes two times that we have seen him standing.

So I was pretty excited.

But not quite as excited as this person.
We have been taking her to the Fair for 30 or so years and nearly every year she plays the roll the golf ball into the holes to make the horses move horse race game and the place a frog on the launching pad and whack it with a big rubber hammer trying to make the frog land in one of those things out in the water.  She almost always wins the horse race game but this year she won both games.

She had just enough tickets left to make one more run at the horse race game and won again there.  She played four games and won three stuffed animals.  I have another photo taken after the final victory with all three of her prizes in her grasp but it just isn't quite as nice an exposure as this one.  I have it if historical perspective is required but for now I am going with this one.

It was too hot but we had a very nice day at the Fair.


Emily M said...

I'm still amazed that I witnessed the big pig stand up. Very cool.

Thanks for joining me, I had a great time!

Retired Professor said...

Sounds like a pretty good day. Congrats to the winner of the games, too. Pretty rare.

Emily M said...

Also, here's the recording Mom and I made at the Les Paul Experience:

I think it needs more cowbell.

BDE said...

That's sweet of you to say, Emily M. I think I kept pressing Les Paul hoping he would start singing! Nice drums.