Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I needed a jack-o-lantern this morning

And didn't have one.

We dropped out of that part of the ceremony of the season when TCWUTH began to withhold her labor as the carver of said "jack".  Which is to say, when she left the house to attend college.

No kid carver, no carved pumpkin.

So I didn't have one and it was that ideal day when I could have photographed "frost on the pumpkin", a sure sign of impending seasonal change.  I did the best I could with what I had.
Handsome tree though, don't you agree?  And a seldom previously seen view of our burning bush shrub over there at the corner of the house (not the orange, that's the neighbors front yard, the red behind the purple at the edge of the house).

Election day here, I voted.  I have voted in each and every general election of my life that I have been eligible to vote in.  I am certain.  I am not as certain but I know I missed at least one school board primary and I believe that to be my ONLY miss.

Today there were only two items for voting, one was the election of three members to the school board from a field of four (vote for up to three) and a not technically a renewal or even an extension but some kind of reauthorization of some school bonding.  It is a secret ballot but I only voted for one and I am an enthusiastic supporter of the public schools.

The weather forecast here is fairly dire, mixed precipitation overnight with morning snow including possible accumulations of up to six inches.

Stay tuned.


Jimi said...

There are Jacko's in my neighborhood that you could have used. They may be covered by snow tomorrow however.

Good voting record. The country is ruled by the people who show up.

Santini said...

Frost on the pumpkin. That would have been a good one.

Well, it is November. Still, that seems like a lot. Hunker down.

TOPWLH said...

I agree that it is a very handsome tree and it is nice to be able to see the burning bush heretofore hidden from view.

Santini said...

Mrs. Smith (TOPWLH) gets extra credit points for the correct use of the word heretofore.