The wind picked up a little today compared to yesterday but it doesn't seem really worth complaining about. Temperatures AGAIN about 15 degrees above average for the date, I rode my bicycle.
Here's a little glimpse of what kind of day it was, shameless sunbathing on October 10.
A southeasterly wind had enticed me down into the big city. That's Lookout Park on Summit at the peak of Ramsey Hill.
Ramsey Hill gets capitalized if you are bicyclist in this town. In keeping with the shameless theme I am going to go ahead and mention that I have ridden up Ramsey Hill several times, I used to do it every year for the Saint Paul Bike Classic. It's about a tough a climb as we have in this mostly flat land, no mountains anywhere within hundreds of miles city.
I included the sunbather photo for dramatic effect but here is the panorama I was actually there to try to capture. From the top of the bluff on the east bank with the west bank bluff in view and the counterpoint of the High Bridge.
Color is coming on in the river valley, I am not even going to mention that sky.
Well, actually, yes I am.
Here's one of our big stone buildings rearing up against about as blue as it is going to get around here.
Again, trees mostly still mostly green but the change she is a coming.
Lastly then, here is the state's front yard.
Anyone want to say that parking lot isn't as unsightly as I feared it might be?
Not me.
That parking lot is disgraceful. That's the state's front lawn.
Further, I didn't include a view but they are tearing up some more mall back over my right shoulder as I took the photo for, I presume, more parking.
The lawn next to the Humphrey Memorial and down over to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial and the rose gardens in front of the Veterans Service Memorial Building is now under assault.
Wouldn't want those really important legislators to be ever so slightly inconvenienced now, would we?
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1 comment:
Beautiful sky. Unbelievably blue.
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