Thursday, June 20, 2013

Light changes

It looked a lot different to me out there today.

Today was the first time in forever that it was warm enough to ride in the morning.  It was already 74 by 9:30 so I went out then.  The real reason for going at that time is that if it is 74 at 9:30 it is going to be too hot by noon.

And it was.

It is muggy and hot meaning we are expecting stormy weather, all things considered I was glad to get in a ride.  That's five days in a row for the first time since October 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33.  Go ahead and convert October 32 and 33 to November 1 and 2 if you must.  The point is that's rides of the standard length on five days in a row for the first time this year.

The light is a lot different at mid-morning.  I may have looked at things a little differently.  I rode past things that I have ridden by lots and lots of times without thinking anything at all about them but today they looked like photo opportunities.

This one struck me as a "no kidding" moment.
One of the best ways to convince me that the road ends is to build a giant wall across the end of the street.

Before the 35W bridge fell down that was the entrance from Roselawn onto 280.  When 280 had to be used as part of the detour around the fallen bridge the massive increase in traffic volume meant that that entrance was temporarily closed for safety reasons.  While the entrance was closed people found out that they really didn't actually NEED an entrance there and when the new bridge opened this entrance didn't.

It is a DEAD end.

I like this one even though I didn't actually feel like turning around.
That's near the Fry Garden neighborhood.  They are trying to discourage state fair parking seekers from driving up into the neighborhood (where parking is not allowed anyway) by saying that THIS would be a good spot.

Storms are expected but they haven't actually arrived so I was a little perplexed when I came across this in a secluded neighborhood on the other side of Lake Como.
I don't even remember any particularly strong winds over the past several days.  A close look at the trunk of the tree convinces me that this particular tree had some issues unrelated to storm which may have led to a giant piece of the crown falling into the front yard.

I took a really close look and convinced myself that the tree is a yellow birch.  Birch trees in general don't do that well in an urban setting.  That one is pretty big but we should not be surprised that it's overall health is quite apparently not that good.  It doesn't like being THERE in the first place.

I liked the Outlaws quite a bit myself and find it impossible to argue about the Duane Eddy version.  I dismissed the Judy Collins version without actually listening to it but I DID listen to two versions by the Sons of the Pioneers (possibly featuring Leonard Slye aka Roy Rogers).  I was struck by the percussion, one version has brush drumming and the other has an apparent absence of percussion, it sounds like the guitar is the one keeping time.

OK, now I really am done for now with Ghost Riders.


Santini said...

I do like a good road ends sign, myself. I do like to be able to see just why the sign is there, too. A big brown wall is pretty convincing.

Now I just need to get the tune out of my head.

Mrs Smith said...

Turn Around Here is a very unusual sign, one I have never seen before. It seems really odd and is that someone's driveway we are supposed to turn around in? Congrats on five days in a row.

Emily M said...

That entrance on to 280 from Roselawn always struck me as super unnecessary anyway. Plus dangerous. That wall seems like an excellent idea. The sign may be a bit redundant.

Emily M said...

Also: if I owned that house, I would take preemptive action and cut down the rest of the tree, before it falls on the house. Just me?