Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Very special thanks to our hosts in Michigan.

We exited the state through the Gerald R. Ford International Airport.
The question came up, international? We checked the departure screens on the airport information system and while this is a limited sample, we can state that there was a departure listed on Air Canada for Toronto.

That seems pretty international to me.

I found the background details of the mural to be interesting.
But there's no place like home.

This has been for me a very unusual run. I am at my core a guy who likes being home. With that in mind here is a look at my schedule for the last slightly over four months.

April 13: Vancouver
April 20: home for 23 days

May 13: Las Vegas and later Arizona for the Grand Canyon and then Utah.
May 25: home for 45 days

July 10: France
July 27: home for 14 days

August 11: Michigan
August 23: home

I will be hunkering down now and may not for the next 90 or so days stray any farther from my home base than Lake Vadnais.

It's been a great run, I wouldn't trade it for anything, I wouldn't trade it for having been at home.

But now I am home.

Here's a numbers note of some note. When I got home today I entered into my bicycle log the numbers for the rides I took in Michigan. A fairly significant note about that is that this year was the 10th year that the miles I rode in Michigan were on a bicycle that I own (a repeat special thanks to the person who stores my bicycle during the 50 and a half weeks of the year when I am not there). But the most significant number is that since I started keeping track of miles in 2001 I have now ridden 50,022 miles. Somewhere early on in that ride yesterday, probably somewhere around 168th and Quincy I rode past 50,000.

That seems like a lot to me.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Interesting milestone. Which is an oddly appropriate word. 168th and Quincy sounds about right. Just keep rolling.

We were glad to have you here. As
I hope you know.

Michigan Blue adds a certain penache to my attic.