Monday, March 19, 2012

A bit of bicycling

It was entirely too windy today for bicycling but as we all know come late October we will rue the passing of any day when we did not ride in March? when bicycling was theoretically possible.

A person cannot be dissuaded by wind when a string of records for high temperatures is persisting. I believe today makes 8 of the past 10 days when we have had new records set. Sometime in the future when people are discussing unseasonal temperatures this 10 day stretch is going to be legendary. I believe it is officially 80 out there again (average high for the date is 43).

I say out there because I am back from riding 20 miles on a too heavy bicycle into too strong winds and am therefore inside, knackered. It feels good.

I only got one picture today, it is of some very early preparations for planting which I spotted over at the farm campus.I feel certain no actual planting has occurred as the University Extension is among those who keep telling us not to plant until after the last freeze, an event which could be as much as two months in the future.

But I do have a couple more things from the weekend that I want to throw out. I have this picture of my travel companion on Park Point in Duluth just before lunch yesterday.Imagine this if you can, she is up on a sand dune and seems reluctant to come down. That never happens.

We went to lunch at the FoodNetwork recommended Duluth Grill. I highly recommend the video found here. We did not realize it at the time but in looking at the video I realize that we were waited on (at the counter) by what the video calls the wife of the owner (doesn't that make her an owner?).

We endorse the opinion of the FoodNetwork, the food was most excellent.

It is only a little bit odd that our best and most interesting meals of the weekend were lunches. Friday we ate at the arena during the hockey. Sunday we left town at what could have been dinner time. Nope, our best meals were the two lunches.

Here's another look at the game, probably not the last. We love those Gopher women.And we aren't the only ones. The Governor of our state also thinks pretty highly of them.But we are home now and bicycling has resumed. It is going to be quite a while before there is another hockey game. Perhaps life will revert to something more recognizable and usual.

What fun would that be?

1 comment:

Santini said...

A great place to go for pie day.