Sunday, April 3, 2011

A quandry

"I could give you a rubber finger," she offered.

It was a sincere offer but one that left me wondering for a bit just exactly how to respond.

She was feedbacking or some other such task related to her employment. Yes, one of us has a job. She discovered that she had run out of flags which apparently she needs for this particular task.Those are my flags, flags which I have and need for my own purposes.

She offered a trade.It seems that the last time she had to replenish her rubber finger supply they were on sale and she has THREE. They come in sizes she reports.

I kept my flags.


TOPWLH said...

LOL. Rubber fingers are indispensable for a teacher. Would you rather I lick my (possibly germy) fingers to pass back papers or find a certain section of a paper?
Flags, however, are also required but for feedbacking. Looks like a trip to Office Max tomorrow.

TOPWLH said...

Oh, this one is a size medium. And they actually come a dozen in a box. The other 9 are at work.

jilrubia said...

If you put them on all of your fingers at the same time, could you scale a wall? You may have to superglue them on first. Let us know what happens. Hey, it's a rainy day...