I had already walked for an hour but mostly what that did was convince me that the nearby streets were dry enough to allow enough loops near home to get in a shake down cruise. So after finding all of the gear and pumping the tires I rode my bicycle.
It was not a big ride, more really a shake down, a chance to see if I had forgotten how. My fitness was OK, but it was soon enough very evident that I haven't put much pressure on the seat contact points of my body for over four months. You have to start somewhere. I started today.
We're having some fun now.
Excellent news!
That's still a big honkin' pile of snow.
Sorry I returned home too late to photograph you on the bike. Congrats on starting the new season!
That mud fender looks like a good idea -- are more details available on it?
Excellent! I'm glad you were able to get back out there before the rain came today. :-) The streets over here are far too riddled with potholes to even consider biking. Plus, I don't have the appropriate gear. Or bike.
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