The second time, well, a selected family member may recall that it took me about 4 hours to get changed out of my bicycling clothes.
Today was better.
Today's quiz: Guess what? Guess where?
The person who rides with me.
Today is Sunday. It is one of the first Sundays when it is warm enough to ride around with the car windows open and there were lots of people doing just that.
This pair of circumstances produced the first really good opportunity for young males riding shotgun in their friend's father's car to give shout outs to bicyclists. I am able to report that "Hey Lance" is still a popular shout out among this extremely witty population subgroup. I got two of them today.
"Hey Lance"...that's funny.
About a week or so ago I was walking around my neighborhood and as I was walking up one of the hills, a kid of about 9 or 10 turned up it on his bike. He stood up in the saddle and started peddling furiously while chanting "Lance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong" to himself. I have to say, I was pretty amused. :-)
Parking lot bandits. Same place as last time.
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