I will wait, leave quietly, no one of those who are staying will think any the less of you.
OK, today was officially cold, not just whining about it cold, it was officially cold. The temperature in our yard shortly after sunrise was only 37. Here's what that looked like on my across the street neighbor's house.
Today was unlike yesterday in that yesterday's overcast has gone away. Today the sun was out and it was a really, really pretty fall day, cool, crisp, clear blue sky. With the sun out the temperature got to 53 right after lunch. Yesterday I averred that I could for sure ride at temperatures in the mid-50s and today I got my first chance to prove it. Out I went.
I spent some time agonizing over proper layering (Note to non-geeks still hanging around: You were warned!). It was 48 and overcast yesterday, I wondered today whether I needed all of that gear. Most significantly I wondered about the ear flap helmet liner, the heavier weight jacket, the windstopper vest and the full finger gloves. Eventually I jettisoned only the vest although I did take my regular gloves with me and also promised MySU that I might be back shortly if I quickly discovered that I had misjudged the costume.
It was sunny and very pretty, but NICE it wasn't. There was a COLD wind out of the east mostly, but also the south. My ride begins with a trip down the street where we live with me heading east, directly into that cold wind. I never ever even considered turning back. I needed all of the gear I had. But I was right yesterday, proper gear made today's conditions completely tolerable. Riding in the mid-50s is WAY reasonable, no problem at all.
On to the numbers, I had a LARGE September. It is the most miles I have ever ridden on the LOOK in September even though not an all time record. I used to spend September preparing for that age in miles ride on my birthday in October (something I no longer do) which meant that 6 and 7 Septembers ago, before I was riding the LOOK, I had more miles than I had this month. But this September is still significantly large. It was the most miles ever ridden in September on the LOOK by over 100 miles over second place. It was 268 miles more than September 2008. Further it marked the fifth straight month this year when I have ridden at least 600 miles. I have never had five straight 600 mile months before. September 2009 was LARGE.
In view of what happened yesterday in the comments section I thought it appropriate to post this video:
We're having some fun now, eh?
It takes a lot of practice to get the layers right, yet it is the most important thing about cold weather biking. Hands, head and feet, that old mantra, is pretty much true. Temperature, sunshine, wind, length of time outside, all must be carefully balanced. Kinda fun.
I admit to senility, as I have few other choices. However, I'm good with 'crazy old lady' -- I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
Winifred (Ask Emily.)
You got frost in the burbs? My tomatoes survived the onslaught of cold, but I think they have stopped ripening. Time to start frying green tomatoes. TT
TT -- I'm throwing out the rest of the tomatoes. None of that fried green tomato stuff for me. We got frost overnight here -- maybe a freeze. Our outdoor weather station at the bay said 32.7 this morning just before sunrise. It's on the deck, so about 10 feet above the ground.
I love Autumn.
600 miles for 5 months in a row borders on unbelieveable. I'll go with remarkable!
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