Thursday, August 20, 2009

Probably no sunset pictures for a while

Here's where we were when the tornado touched down in Minneapolis.The airplane wouldn't leave Grand Rapids while all of the heavy weather was resolving itself in Minnesota. But eventually the weather in Minnesota calmed and we were released from the Gerald R. Ford International Airport.

We are home.

I checked in with my former employer today. I was hoping to post a photo of both of the watches but the report is that the missing watch is still dedicated to Mrs. Smith and is therefore still not available. Stay tuned.


gfr said...

New content!

I hope Mrs. Smith's plants were in good shape -- even those underneath the overhang that don't get much water when it rains.

Emily M said...

I did check on the plants and water as seemed necessary when I got home. They seemed to be ok but, then again, I am not the owner of said plants.

Anonymous said...

Looks a little like President Ford is looking at a sunset. Sorry about the watch...the idea of Mrs. Smith's watch still makes me laugh uproariously. Glad you had such a great vacation. Will indeed miss the sunset photos. (probably not as much as you will miss the actual sunsets, but still.)


Anonymous said...

I miss the sunsets and I sure wish I knew what time it is, but I am happy to be back amongst my plants and new grass.
Mrs. Smith