Well, yes, I think a Morbier would go nicely, thank you.
Well, it WAS cool. Here comes the whine: It was too bright.
I had an appointment with my opthamologist today. I was born with almost supernaturally acute vision. I have never worn glasses and have had very little truck with eye doctors over the course of my life. I do not know the routine in the examining room. Some of this is probably completely familiar to most people but when the technician asked if I preferred 1 or 2, I kept answering, the last one or the first one until it finally dawned on me what was the response he was expecting.
So today I was dilated for I think only the third time in my life. And certainly for the first time when it was clear, sunny and a middle of the day in June outside. I had been warned to bring sunglasses but I didn't really need them that badly the other times I was dilated so this time I left them in the car.
Big, BIG mistake.
I had to sort of scuttle to my car, keeping my back towards the sun and holding my hands over my eyes, occasionally taking a small glance to make sure that I was still on path to my car. I knew I was acting pretty strangely, I hope I didn't completely freak any of the other people in the parking lot.
And I am still pretty big pupil even now so the ride had to made with a pair of my maximum protection from the sun sunglasses. I chose the pair with Ram Air Surge Ports (see profile photo).
That's my whine for today, it was too bright. But Roseville was beautiful this afternoon and I am moved to comment that Roseville really, really smells good right now. The lilacs and the other flowering shrubs are in their full glory.
And at this point I also admit that the whine yesterday about the view from my office was deliberately overdone. That was the view coming through the door. Here is the view that I have always had while sitting at my desk, obviously the place where I spend all of my time.
My real last day is now only a week away. Management, however, prefers to act as though the day in August is the real end of term. Therefore no official announcement has been made and the approved management festivities have not been scheduled. There has been some talk though about something more co-worker and less employer oriented being held sometime soon and if plans solidify I will post details here. Nothing yet though.
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