Establishing once again that apparently we are pals, of some sort, we had a pretty nice exchange. My head was approximately at the level of his pedals as I passed. He remarked on the wind (no kidding, as far up there as he is, wind has to be an even bigger issue for him than it is for most cyclists). I remarked on the temperature.
It went like this:
TBG: At least we have the wind at our backs!
Senor Moohoo: It is getting a little chilly for this.
I do this blog mostly to entertain myself but also to entertain my wife and daughter. For those not familiar with the history this blog was created after my daughter said, "Dad, this bicycling thing is, like, totally blogable." Many of my favorite moments in blogging are when I am fooling around on the downstairs computer and hear my wife at the upstairs computer laughing and then discover that it was me who made her laugh.
Recent comments have confirmed that some others are reading. I want all commenters to know that I read the comments and I appreciate that you appreciate my postings here. If you are entertained I am pleased. It is a public blog, you are absolutely welcome to read, welcome to comment. I enjoy hearing from you. This applies most primarily to my primary commenter, GFR, but also definitely applies to the recent comments from elsewhere on my block and also from out there on the Anoka sand plain. Thanks for checking in. I appreciate it very much.
Glad to hear that TBG is still out there. Senor Moohoo has a point about the chilly aspect, though.
Comments are veru nice, but readership is the key thing. I watch my stat counter, and as long as it keeps going up, I'll likely keep blogging.
Thanks for the "french" stuff last week. I always get a tripleberry cream cheese crepe (crep, not crAYp!)at the fair, french fries, not so much.
Not only is the site entertaining, it has been useful for calming my boys, Jack and Nate. They LOVE the state fair and continually ask to go (yes, every week). I used your photos to show them that the fair is closed for the year. It's a gasoline saver not to have to drive down and show them in person. So there, now your blog is helping reduce CO2 emissions!!! Give that man some carbon credits!
Will you be blogging about joining a spinning class for the winter?
Keep us posted.
You know, I sound kind of like some sort of ditzy, valley girl when you put it that way... :)
But I really enjoy the blogging, as apparently do all sorts of other people. Fun!
See you tonight for adventures in curling. I think I may be quite rusty.
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