On the way home I got this picture of my favorite house in Desnoyer Park.
While standing there halfway up the hill to get this picture I briefly considered also photographing the house across the intersection to the left from this one. It was pretty interesting looking but I decided to stick to the one I like.
Guess which one is in the book.
But I redeemed myself by enhancing my credentials as a finder of public art. Here is the sculpture at Como Park that we have not been previously able to find, the one at Hamline and Midway Parkway.
The reason why we couldn't find this before is that it wasn't there before. It is right out in the open at the corner, an intersection I ride through nearly every time I head south. If it had been there previously it would not have been possible for me to not have seen it. So it is newly installed, no longer missing.
Nice job on finding the Minnesota Rocks sculpture at Como Park. I have been back there several times looking for it and had pretty much given up. I recognize the spot, too. I've been there on my fruitless search. TT
Nice find, nice photo, nice rock. And a nice house as well. Too bad about the architecture call. SS
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