Monday, June 18, 2007

Blogger appears in his own blog

The sky looked very threatening this morning and by noon it let loose. It rained really hard but not for very long. I am thinking that it might be just the dash of moisture that will get that corn going.

But being as it had rained I did not expect to ride. In fact, after work I detoured to the bakery for some bread. But when I got home the sun was peeking out and the streets were dry. I got a late start but it ended up being a spectacular evening, very nice indeed.

The other person who lives here was out walking while I was riding and we ended up coming down the street on the way home together. She snapped this photo of the blogger.For a view of the blogger engaged in high artistry I recommend the Wireless Xanga site. I love that girl.


Santini said...

I did not know it was self portrait day. I like the shadow in the background, it looks like one of those metal sculptures around town here. Nice orange jersey -- and matching helmet.

Jimi said...

LOOK at the mailbox. Sorry about plagiarizing.