Saturday, October 12, 2019

Columbus Day

Everyone will agree that it is way too early for this.
Definitely not a bicycle ride day.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Almost gone

Today was a very nice late season day for bicycling.  The temperature peaked into the 60s and the winds were quite light.  I got in another ride through the Fair Grounds.

The Fair is gradually disappearing into winter storage.  Today I discovered that all of the galvanized steel benches have been removed to winter storage.  There are still some of the wooden benches out but for the most part the benches have left the premises.  Our bench is in storage.


The State Fair Foundation building (the former administrator's residence across from the Space Tower) has eight of the metal benches in the yard.  There are two of each color, I assume they are keeping a display to show potential donors what their bench might look like.  I looked at the two green ones, they are not ours.

And then there is the 4-H building.
Four benches and two picnic tables.  The benches are sponsored by 4-H, one of each of the H's of the naming organization (head, heart, hands and health).  I assume that one of the reasons they are not in mass storage is that they will be stored inside the 4-H building and reappear next year in that same spot outside the door.

That's my LOOK leaning against the building.

The picture does justice to the day.  It was a very pleasant, wonderfully beautiful early October day in Minnesota.

A few miles here, a few miles there, there is always some milestone rolling around.  It seems awfully late in what has been a disappointing ride season but something seems still just maybe possible.